
ツアー初日の経由地 箱根大観山では見事に富士山がお出迎え


For oversea users , please read the English version below the Japanese text.



いったいどのようなライダーが集まり、どのように日本を楽しんでいるのでしょうか。今回は、レンタル819でお馴染みキズキグループの傘下企業であるバイクツーリングに特化した旅行会社 MOTO TOURS JAPAN株式会社が請け負う、訪日外国人グループのバイクツアーに同行させていただき、参加者の動機や心理を探ってみました。




まずは、MOTO TOURS JAPAN株式会社を設立したきっかけについて、同社 取締役社長 原田美和さん(以下、原田さん)にお話を伺いました。


最初はバイクレンタルのみのご用命でしたが、そこからルートの提案や宿泊施設の確保、通訳付きアテンダントの派遣要請などの派生したご要望に応えるべく、2016年11月にバイクツアー専門の旅行会社「MOTO TOURS JAPAN株式会社」を設立しました。









今回現地(海外)で参加者を集めていただいたEMILIO WORLD TOUR は、月単位で世界各地のベストなシーズンに合わせて 約3週間のツアーを提供している会社です。日本はベストシーズンの5月(ゴールデンウィーク明けからの3週間)にツアーのご要望を頂き東京、京都、広島、能登、高山などの観光のハイライトを繋ぐ最善のルートを選びプランを決定しました。





















1958年アルゼンチンで生まれ、イタリア移民の子孫です。 公認会計士で、外国貿易で働いています。バイクへの関心はずっと前、18年前に最初のスズキ350を中古で購入して夢が実現しました。 それ以来ずっとバイクは手放すこともなく、現在もヤマハFZ6-N、ハーレーダビッドソンXL1200X(ロードスター)、ホンダCRF1000L MT(アフリカツイン)を所有しています。



良く聞かれる質問は決まっています!「バイクはどこにありますか? 」






  • 天井からぶら下がっているガソリンスタンドの給油ポンプはきっとスペース不足かな?
  • ホテルにはコーヒーマシンが備わっていたが、対照的になんと昔ながらの回線電話が床に置かれていた
  • ホテルのレセプションは2〜4名もいては暖かいおもてなしをしてくれた。しかも出発時には、みな拍手で送り出してくれたことが非常に嬉しかった
  • 駅の付近に2階建ての巨大な駐輪場があった
  • タクシーの車内には黒い後部座席の上に白いレースのカバーが使用されている。これは清潔な日本文化の一端かな?
  • すべてのクルマ・トラック・バイクは、たとえ一日中雨でもキレイでワックスがけされる!
  • 沸騰したお湯の噴水?に卵を入れて調理していたよ!


  • 犬はベビーカーに乗せられていたけど、散歩になるのかな?


  • 広島平和記念資料館では、日本が大戦に突入した原因を知ることはできなかった


  • 2時間の短い滞在時間でしたが、二度と起こさないようにという強い意思が感じられた


  • さるぼぼ。説明不要ですよね
  • 秋田犬は何てキュートなんだ!それに人懐っこい!
  • ホンダコレクションホールとモビリティリゾートもてぎ、これは素晴らしかった!
  • 日曜朝の東京、ティーンエイジャーらしき若者がマンガのキャラクター変装していた!


  • どこに行ってもハエも蚊もいない!それなのに田んぼの水は不思議と綺麗!
  • 自分の国なら走っているとつくはずの虫や引っかき傷がヘルメットにもウェアにもない!


  • 古いお寺、温泉、城、典型的な日本のホテルやレストラン、畑、田んぼ、竹林、日本庭園、すべてが素晴らしい眺めだった


  • 茶道、カタナの製造工程、木製食器に手仕事で漆を塗る工程、日本酒、 寿司
  • 対向車線から手を振ってくれる日本人ライダー
  • ちょっとびっくりしましたが 地震の経験



今回のグループはバイクが14台と大所帯。それゆえ、すべて一緒の車線にとどまろうとすることは困難を極めたそうです。誰一人見失わないようにする、さらにそれを高速道路でも維持することはなおさら困難。 GPSで誰か一人を追跡したり、誰かを止めて尋ねることは時間的に難しいので、参加者全員に、次のホテルの住所を持ってもらい、人と車はいたるところにいるので、時には経験のあるライダーに聞いたりすることもあったそうです。


















English Version: What is the appeal of Japan motorcycle tours from the point of view of foreigners visiting Japan?

Fuji at Hakone Daikanzan, the first day of the tour.

Just as touring motorcycles in Europe, the U.S., and other foreign countries was once a dream come true for Japanese riders, so too was touring motorcycles in Japan a dream come true for foreign riders. However, the situation seems to have changed in recent years.

Perhaps it is the deregulation of the Corona measures, or perhaps it is the effect of the weak yen, but it seems that the demand for motorcycle rental + tourism by foreigners visiting Japan has been increasing over the past few years.

What kind of riders are gathering and how are they enjoying Japan? We accompanied a group of foreign visitors to Japan on a motorcycle tour undertaken by MOTO TOURS JAPAN Corporation, a travel agency specializing in motorcycle touring and an affiliate of the Kizuki Group, well known for its rental 819, to find out the motivations and psychology of the participants.


Increased use of motorcycle rentals has been accompanied by a gradual increase in requests for tours.

The last rider on the winding road to Ito is Emilio, a local travel agent, and before him, a 79-year-old active rider!

Firstly, we spoke with Miwa Harada, President and Director of the company (“Ms. Harada”), about the impetus behind the establishment of MOTO TOURS JAPAN Co.

Against the backdrop of the Japan National Tourism Organization’s (JNTO) aggressive promotion of inbound tourism, from around 2016 we began to receive an increasing number of requests from customers of our motorcycle rental business, Rental 819, for spectacular motorcycle tours around Japan.

At first, the requests were only for motorcycle rentals, but in November 2016, we launched MOTO TOURS JAPAN Corporation, a travel company specializing in motorcycle tours, in order to respond to derived requests such as route proposals, securing accommodations, and requests for dispatching attendants with interpreters.

Japan is the world’s number one producer of motorcycle manufacturers, with four of the world’s largest motorcycle manufacturers, and is the so-called “holy land of motorcycles”.

It seems that the view that touring Japan by motorcycle, and experiencing its nature and culture is gaining popularity as a superb form of adventure tourism for motorcycle enthusiasts.


The travel routes are on an order of magnitude larger scale!

This time, I was able to accompany one of the longest tours among the many motorcycle tour projects.

It was a spectacular route that took us almost halfway across Japan, departing from Rental819 Odaiba on May 9th and took us from Tokyo to Kawaguchiko, Gero Onsen, Kyoto, Himeji, Okayama, Hiroshima, Izumo Taisha Shrine, Tottori, Maizuru, Fukui, Nanao, Hirayu, Kusatsu, Nikko and back to Tokyo, in 19 days returning on May 28th.

We asked Ms. Harada how this route was decided upon.

Normally, when deciding on a route, we first ask the client about his/her desired time period and places that he/she would like to visit. We then ask about the client’s age group and what they are looking for in a trip. Next, we make a proposal based on that information, including the tourist content and the distance to be travelled each day.

EMILIO SCOTTO WORLD TOURS, the company which gathered participants locally (overseas) this time, is a company that offers tours for about three weeks in May (three weeks after Golden Week), which is the best season for tours around the world, We have chosen the best route to connect the highlights of sightseeing in Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Noto, Takayama, etc. and decided on a plan.


Local travel agents brought together a diverse group of riders from South America and Europe, including couples, parents and children, and solo riders.


Some of the female riders were wearing solid riding clothes and riding 250㏄ sport models.

There were a total of 14 bikes, mostly large-capacity models. By country, all riders were from Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina, Peru, Guatemala, Venezuela, Catalunya and Spain, which made the language barrier difficult to communicate with them in English, or even to get their impressions.


What is the appeal of Japan motorcycle tours from the point of view of foreigners visiting Japan?

Emilio, a representative of a local travel agency, visiting Japan for the first time in 30 years.

Mr. Emilio Scott, who has been travelling by motorcycle for more than 30 years, is the Guinness World Record holder for having visited 279 times in the 10 years from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s.

Mr. Scotto’s experience of riding around the world for 10 years had helped him to create a detailed and enjoyable plan.

We asked Emilio to reflect on this tour, reminiscing about his previous visits to Japan.


Recalling his previous visits to Japan, Emilio reflected on this tour.

My previous impression of Japan was not so much that it was closed, but that it was not very accustomed to foreigners. I felt this in all situations, for example, when entering a restaurant or staying at a hotel. This time, visiting Japan for the first time in a long time, I was surprised in many situations.

It was truly an “Amazing” experience to ride a motorcycle in a safe and comfortable environment, with four-wheeled drivers who strive to drive safely and well-maintained roads.

What was even more uplifting was that, although it may depend on the time of year and location of my visit, I had a strong image of Japan as a very flat country with little greenery when I visited before, but this time I saw greenery everywhere I went, and it was beautifully landscaped, whether in the city or in the mountains. I was constantly amazed by the beautiful scenery, wherever I was riding.

As for hospitality, including accommodations, food, water, electricity, beds, and tables were all comfortable. From a business perspective, I could see how the Japanese provide an unparalled customer service experience to their customers.

The most surprising thing was that a middle-aged woman who happened to be sitting next to me during the tour saw the T-shirt I was wearing with the Argentine flag printed on it and said, “Soccer? Messi?” I was amazed at how much 30 years can change a person and a country.

It seems that Japan (Japanese people) have become much more flexible and accepting of different cultures through sports, travel, and cultural exchanges as well as diplomacy between countries.


What is the charm of Japan that you notice when you are told?

In addition to Mr. Scotto and his wife, one of the customers, Mr. Oscar Gioino was the other person we spoke to in English. Since we were able to keep in touch with him several times after his return to Japan, we asked him about his impressions of the tour. He is actually quite a motorcycle enthusiast himself, and he told us about his relationship with motorcycles.

I was born in Argentina in 1958 and am a descendant of Italian immigrants. I am a Certified Public Accountant and work in foreign trade. My interest in motorcycles started long ago, when I bought my first used Suzuki 350 18 years ago and my dream came true. Since then I have never given up riding motorcycles and still own a Yamaha FZ6-N 600cc, a Harley Davidson XL1200X (Roadster) and a Honda CRF1000L MT (Africa Twin).

Motorcycles are not only a pleasure to own or ride, but also everything that happens while riding. For example, the wind, the rain, the friends you ride with, the communication with other riders you meet along the way, and the communication with people you hope to one day ride motorcycles with, all of these things are a joy that I can continue to enjoy.

When I board an airplane to return home from an overseas trip, I always have my helmet in my hand, which some people seem to find odd: “Why do you have your helmet with you when you fly?” Some people seem to think it strange.

The question I am often asked is a given: “Where is your motorcycle? Where is your motorcycle? Where is your bike?”

When I explain why, they all ask for my Facebook or Instagram URL!

Little by little each year, I learn what kind of rider clothing, rider boots, rain suits, helmets, gloves, etc. are available for each occasion, what new features each has, and how to use them well. You also learn motorcycle travel tips to make sure you don’t forget or drop anything while riding.


For them, everything they see is an exciting memory.

Mr. Gioino’s camera recorded views that he had never seen before. We were told that there were about 2,000 pictures, but we would like to share a few of his selections with you.

  • The gas pump hanging from the ceiling must be running out of tight space?
  • The hotel was equipped with a coffee machine, but by contrast, what an old-fashioned line phone on the floor!
  • The hotel receptionists, two to four in number, were warmly hospitable. Moreover, I was very happy that they all applauded me when I departed!
  • There was a huge two-story bicycle parking lot near the station
  • The cabs use a white lace cover over the black back seat. Is this part of the clean Japanese culture?
  • All cars, trucks, and motorcycles are clean and waxed, even if it rains all day!
  • The eggs are cooked in a fountain of boiling water. Is this water hot spring?


  • The dog was in a stroller. Does that make it a walk?


  • At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, we were not able to learn about the causes of Japan’s entry into the Great War.


Although my stay was short, only 2 hours, I felt a strong desire to make sure it never happened again!


  • SARUBOBO. No need to explain.
  • How cute is that Akita dog! And friendly too!
  • Honda Collection Hall and Mobility Resort Motegi, this was great!
  • Tokyo on Sunday morning, young people who looked like teenagers were wearing manga character disguises!


  • No flies or mosquitoes anywhere you go! And yet the water in the rice fields is strangely clean!
  • There are no bugs or scratches on my helmet or clothing that I would get when running in my own country!


  • Old temples, hot springs, castles, typical Japanese hotels and restaurants, fields, rice paddies, bamboo forests, Japanese gardens, all had great views!


  • Tea ceremony, katana production process, hand-applied lacquer on wooden tableware, Japanese sake, sushi. All is so wonderful!
  • Japanese rider waving to me from oncoming traffic
  • I was a bit startled by the earthquake experience.

Each one of these things remains in our memory.


This group was large, with 14 motorcycles. It was difficult to keep them all in the same lane, and even more difficult to keep them all on the highway. It was even more difficult to keep track of everyone, and even more difficult to keep them on the highway. Since it was difficult to track one person by GPS or to stop and ask someone in time, all participants were asked to have the address of the next hotel, and since people and vehicles were everywhere, sometimes they had to ask experienced riders.
However, the country of Japan is widely known throughout the world for its excellent vehicle design and manufacturing quality, and they had no problems with their bikes on the road.


He sometimes wondered along the way if the unique Japanese culture, the exquisite flavors of Japanese food, and the gentle and charming Japanese people might have guaranteed a successful trip.


Oscar said that this seemingly obvious thing to the Japanese, the reliability of the bikes and hospitality, may have been one of the most important motivators for us in choosing an enjoyable vacation destination.

The first time I became interested in Japan was in a high school geography class.

Oscar also told us about how he became interested in Japan.

When I was a high school student in the 1970s, I had to research one country for a geography class and present it to my classmates.

There was no Internet at the time, so I decided to gather information by writing a letter to the Japanese Consulate in Buenos Aires. I still remember that a large envelope filled with printed photos and information then arrived at my house. The most memorable photo was an aerial view of the Shinkansen bullet train running and Mount Fuji towering in the distance.

Imagine how I felt when I was able to visit Japan this time and saw with my own eyes the true symbol of Japan, Mt. Fuji, when I was driving my motorcycle and suddenly a scene similar to the one in the photo filled my field of vision. It was a flashback to the first time I saw an aerial photograph of Mt. Fuji and the Shinkansen bullet train in the 1970s.

It was a long but short motorcycle trip to Japan. Oscar and the other participating riders all expressed their gratitude to Japan and its people for giving them the pleasure of travelling.


The beauty of Japan, which was once again recognized from a foreigner’s point of view, is that roads and streets are well maintained, everywhere you go is hygienic and clean, and accommodations provide high quality service. We Japanese should be more appreciative of these “normal” things in Japan.

It is because of the existence of motorcycles that I was able to get acquainted with people from countries right behind Japan on the globe and have conversations with them to share the fun of travel.

Perhaps social networking sites such as those of foreign visitors to Japan who have experienced motorcycle tours in Japan will help us to have a motorcycle trip that will make us aware anew of the wonders of Japan, which we tend to overlook.





Emilio Scotto Motorcycle Tours


